Monday, April 23, 2012

Concerts, concerts, concerts! and radio too.

Ok, here comes another busy week of various concerts and at 8 pm sharp (CET) on we'll try to talk more about what's happened last week and what's going to happen in the next few days.

Here are my concert suggestion for Krakow

Tuesday. That's a tough one, really difficult choice, on one hand you got the sax - accordion duo of Paweł Postaremczak and Robert Kusiołek in Bomba (Plac Szczepański). More on the free side and
also free entrance (could be a convinving argument).

On the other hand the second concert of Starzy i Młodzi Festival which sounds very promising - a trumpet trio (I LOVE trumpet trios) led by a young polish player Maciej Fortuna. Lizard King club (Tomasza street). Actually both places are quite close to each other so there's a chance to catch a glimpse of both events.

Wednesday. Polish group Pink Freud's release concert for their new album. The teaser I will play on Monday should interest you a lot. Good energy, solid groove and some crazy improvisations are to be expected. (below a fragment from the previous cd). Also at Lizard King.

Thursday. Back to Starzy i Mlodzi Festival. Double-header at Manghha Museum with Piotr Orzechowski solo (I have written about him recently a couple of times and I have a feeling his name will appear quite often on the blog from now on - one of the most promising piano talents to be found). After that a polish - czech sextet with David Dorouzka. (I know I already put this video and it's not solo, and there are others available, but I just love this one)

Hope to see you there!

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