While I'm trying to update the Jeremiah Cymerman interview I wanted to let You know that the final results of El Intruso 2010 Poll in which I participated are at last available (links to posts with my votes and commentary can be found on the top right spot)
Critics' Poll
Musicians' Poll
(sorry for less updates recently on the blog but I've been having a guest, the Jeremiah's interview is already edited and should be posted this evening I hope, at least one review is coming by the end of the week)
Some ramblings about the music I love, about the concerts in Krakow or elsewhere I get to witness, about cds I manage to get my hands on and particularly like. Stay tuned. Jazz Alchemist
Bardzo fajnie to wszystko przedstawiłeś Bartek w cyklu tych wpisów :-) Sporo się dowiedziałem i mam nadzieję powoli przesłuchiwać niektóre z tych płyt. Wczoraj na przykład słuchałem Chrisa Lightcapa i bardzo mi się podobało. Pozdrawiam!