Jazz fans are literally being spoiled autumn time. This or being given headache trying to develop the ability to attend events at the same time in different space. This week start two big jazz festivals - JAZZTOPAD in Wroclaw and JAZZ AUTUMN in Bielsko-Biała (most famed for it's director is the one and only Tomasz Stanko).
JAZZTOPAD 14-24.11 Wroclaw
I'll be happy to present the blog in Wrocław for a couple of days and with great anticipation I await the concert by Wayne Shorter Quartet which starts the festival. Jazzotpad boats also specially commisioned projects - William Parker Trio will play with Wroclaw's Symphony Orchestra, Tony Malaby composed a piece for himself and cello quartet.
Specially featured will be also the young polish jazz scene ("Don't Panic! We're from Poland") as well japanese (thanks to festival's partnership with Toky Jazz Festival).

Consult the schedule at www.jazztopad.pl/en/

This years schedule is somehow divided between modern jazz and world music. Anour Brahem, John McLauglin + Zakir Hussain, Eliane Elias will explore the various musical traditions.
From more "jazz perspective" the concert by Stanko himself seems to be utterly promising - the project initially was presented at Vision Festival in New York, Stanko will play in quartet featuring Sylvie Curvoisier, Mark Feldman and Mark Helias.
Poland will be alsy represented bt Wasilewski Trio, made famous by its three ECM releases with Stanko, will play a special concerts with guest Joakim Milder on saxophones.
you can check the schedule at www.jazzowajesien.pl
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